Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Low BG + No Parking Spots

Lately I've been going home, or somewhere else kinda far away every weekend.  Not that this is bad, it just means that I end up driving back late on Sunday.  I test before I drive, but BGs can change quite a bit in an hour.  There have been a few times lately where I start to feel low as I'm getting off the highway.  Luckily, I live within a mile of the exit.  Not luckily, I have to park on the street.  In the most perfect of conditions, I am not a good parallel parker. When I am feeling low, and I need to figure out whether my car will fit in certain spots or if there are spots at all, it is not good.  A few weeks ago, I had to go wait in the classy joint across the street because there were no spots.  I keep my tabs in the handy cup holder on my door, but the heat and weakness overwhelmed me.  I am literally two buildings and a street away from my apartment, and I can't go there!  When all I want is to be  in my cozy apartment, I'm stuck in my car.  Watching people go in and out, and generally on the phone.  But sometimes no one answers, and then I'm even more nervous.
Tonight I have synchronized swimming, so I'm hoping that my BGs and my neighborhood allow me to get off the highway, park my car and collapse in my apartment, rather than waiting in the parking lot.

December 15: Home for the Holidays

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