Friday, April 1, 2011

I Miss My Pharmacist

Today I need to go to the pharmacy for strips and Humalog.  I am not a hater of the pharmacy, although big Walgreen's will never feel like home to me.  In the town I grew up in, there is a small pharmacy, where they know my name as soon as I walk in.  I remember when one of my orders got mixed up (new behind the counter worker), my mother said, "Just ask for *wicked awesome pharmacist (WAP)*.  He knows you and it'll be fine."  And it was: always.  One day I went to pick up insulin, and of course it was right before I was leaving for somewhere, and insurance got mixed up.  For some reason insurance didn't think I needed insulin yet (or something).  But what did WAP do?  He gave me one bottle, fought with my insurance, and I was good to go.  WAP is the pharmacist that I remember for as long as...well, I've had diabetes.  There's something about automatic doors, and neon signs and not being able to see the pharmacy as you walk in, that just can't feel like home.  I've been spoiled, and WAP, I miss you.

After I posted this, my mother emailed it to said WAP and attached this note.

Below is an entry Briley posted on a Blog.  I think she explains quite well how much we appreciate your professionalism, caring, and independent pharmacy.  My favorite memory was a Christmas Eve when I had mixed Regular and NPH insulins, ruining the remaining bottles.  You were about to close, yet stayed open as we rushed down for new bottles.
Thank you.

And then WAP emailed her back:

You and Briley just made my week!  It really is nice to hear something like that to reinforce what we try to do here to make a difference. The struggle to keep an independent pharmacy alive gets more difficult each year and knowing we are appreciated is the main reason I haven't sold out to a chain. The fact that we have great customers like you and Briley makes it worthwhile.
Thank you for sharing that with me,

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